Posted: 19-Oct-2021 Reposted: 03-Jun-2022

"The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a
thousand living men." (Quote by Minot Judson Savage.) That's how our brave first responders(*), some of whom have selflessly laid down their lives to defend and protect us in the line of duty, live on in our hearts and continually inspire us to do the same should the need arise at any time in our lives.
This book is a collection of six great stories celebrating the lives of first responders and
their circumstances. As we know, their fearless actions in the face of extreme dangers leave many scarred with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), and PTSD. It's permanent and they have to live with it for life! And some lapse into other mental illnesses in the process.
Let's remember and be grateful to them for their brave and selfless lives.
(*) First responders are police, firefighters, 911, rescue and emergency services staff, etc. who are the first to attend to us in emergencies. We love them!
See if these stories inspire you?