All the signs of the world's decline and decay are around us: the lost battle to global warming, natural resources (particularly drinking water) becoming scarce, many kinds of environmental pollution, a rash of pandemics and killer diseases occurring at frequencies never heard before, and so on. Govs are finding it hard to cope and are trying desparate measures to stem the speed at which were plunging into destruction. (Note: Destruction cannot be averted, it's only the speed at which we are approaching it that Govs are trying to contain!).
Religions, have been proclaiming the doom of the world for long. Now scientists and rational thinkers
agree. In this scenario, can we expect the Bible's predictions about religious persecution to begin
in the not-too-distant future? The author believes it's true.
In this book, in a fresh, surprisingly beautiful story form, the author portrays what he envisions the
religious, particularly Christians, will have to suffer in future at the hands of an anti-religion world.
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